Once an offer is accepted and completion is on the cards, it can be easy to make haste towards acquisition. The desire to complete and progress can be all too consuming. Yet it is critical at this point in time to take a moment. You need to ensure that all the promises, numbers and projections are substantiated. Whilst much will do, there are always things that come out during due diligence.
Here are some considerations: was your offer based on projected performance? Are there client agreements in place? Do they have the customer mix they claimed? Is their balance sheet today as healthy as the one they supplied? Is stock as valuable as they state? Who is going to take on the new premises lease and, on what terms?
Experience tells us that due diligence is the one part in the completion process you hurry at your risk. The checklist we use is over four pages long. So, before you rush forward to entering the legal process, take a deep breath, and take a long hard look at the company.
Searching questions have less value after a sale has completed.